From September 1862 to July 1865, Julia kept a thorough journal, portions of which appear verbatim in this volume. From that journal and her vivid memory of her experience she presented this work, a varied and interesting reminiscence of the war... Touching records of our brave soldiers which [she had] treasured up.
Julia became well-known for her kindness and tireless work. For five dollars a week (funded by donations), she worked up to twelve hours a day, and was even known to, in her off hours, bake pies to bring to the soldiers the next day.
Of her experience, a friend of the author writes in a personal letter, I saw you at your lonely and sad, but most noble and womanly work, and felt gratified that the poor, sick soldiers had such a friend in their darkest hours. Truly those past heroic days should be kept in remembrance, and every faithful record of them should be welcome to us. This is a rare, beautifully written, and deeply personal view of the American Civil War, a unique collector's item for anyone interested in that era of our shared history. Julia Wheelock (1833 - 1900) was a teacher, author, and heroine of the Civil War, even being referred to as "The Florence Nightingale of Michigan" - a high compliment for her steadfast tending of our wounded soldiers. Julia's humble efforts and commitment to playing her small part was hugely impactful, not just for her, but for women everywhere.
In 1890, Julia was granted a pension of 12 dollars a month for her service during the war and The House of Representatives issued a document stating, Julia Wheelock was a brave woman, a patriot in the highest sense of the term. In 2002 she was posthumously honored with an award from the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame for her selfless efforts. Her journal is part of the Civil War collection housed in the Lincoln Museum.
Her bravery and altruism serves as a fine example for Americans everywhere. P ublished in 1870, this book is in GOOD CONDITION!!! For its age and especially to be 154 YEARS OLD!!! ALL TEXT PAGES ARE PRESENT!!! And firmly bound with no tears or stray in-text markings.This book measures 5" X 7 1/2" and is complete with 274 pages, including an Abraham Lincoln Anniversary Poem. GET IT WHILE YOU CAN!!
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